Uwajibikaji Pamoja

Integrated Complaints Referral Mechanism At County Level

Quality service and accountability from government and non governmental service providers is your right. TI Kenya and its partners will ensure your message is forwarded to the relevant service provider and ensure that you are given feedback.


Who Are We?

The Uwajibikaji Pamoja Platform initiative was piloted In Turkana, West Pokot and Wajir by the collaborating organisations

The platform provides a single point of entry for submitting complaints, regardless of the nature or source of the complaint, that is through the web, the short-code and the hotline. The platform is a centralized system that allows citizens to submit complaints and have them efficiently routed to the relevant authorities or organizations for resolution. This platform aims to streamline the complaint handling process and ensure that complaints are appropriately addressed and resolved.

Toll-Free SMS

Send your complaint to 22130


Submit a complaint to info@uwajibikaji.org

Collaborated by our partner organisations

We bring you a one stop shop for all your complaints

Submit/Track Your Report

Together, let’s foster a culture of accountability and proactively work towards building a better community. Your complaints can help shape positive outcomes and pave the way for a brighter future.


Submitting Form


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We are proud of our achievements

Your complaints provide valuable feedback to service providers, government agencies, and organizations

Total Reports
Referred Reports
Resolved Reports

Concept Paper

The referral of complaints from one organization institution to another and will provide a one stop point for people to cast their complaint regardless of the organization concerned. It will thus also bring feedback and participation mechanisms closer and more easily understandable to the people.


Uwajibikaji Pamoja Concept Paper

Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t see an answer to your question, you can send us an email at info@uwajibikajipamoja.org
Can I submit my report if I don't have a smartphone?
You can  submit your report in through the SMS shortcode 22130

The submitted report is forwarded to the relevant organizations for proper action. You check the status of your report by sending “status [report-tracking number]” to 22130

You can do that by selecting yes in the “Do you want to be anonymous ?” question while you submit your report.

You will only be contacted through the 22130 sms shortcode

You can do that by using the online form at uwajibikajipamoja.org

We collect general information in order to help us with analytics . You can also update your bio by sending “clear bio”  to  22130